About us

Didona Institute was established in 2011, with an aim to provide learning opportunities to a growing number of unemployed people, to empower them and enhance their skills and competences.
Through working on mobility projects and with the unemployed, we have also developed our services to include hosting foreign students in our country in local companies.
Working with the disadvantaged groups, we have come to realize there is more to be done on personal, local, national and systemic level to improve the conditions for the young (and old), so we started working on programs and projects for empowerment of young people, promoting an active participation in the society and an active approach to life. We now work on advocacy, promotion of actve citizenship, we organize debates and seminars and try to include people from all walks of life, young, old, disadvantaged, educated, active, inactive.
Today, we work with many different programmes and perspectives, like Erasmus+, European Social Fund and Europe For Citizens. We cooperate in various projects that contribute to the quality of life of the individuals, of the community and of the environment.